Sunday, July 9, 2017

Walking Therapy

Pretty much since the day after Isabella came home from the hospital we begin our day with a walk. 

At first while I was recovering the walk was very short.  Basically across the street to the community pool house and back.  Then we were able to extend it past the pool house to the cul-de-sac behind the pool.  Our daily walks then doubled to two- a walk upon waking up and a walk as a part of wind down for bedtime.   In the beginning, without vaccinations, it was our only safe escape from home.  Our morning walk now stretches for miles.

Isabella likes our walks.  Even on her fussiest days once we are out in the warm sunshine and she feels the vibration of the stroller on the pavement, she immediately relaxes.  Like her mama, heat is soothing...being outside is soothing. 

Our walks also allow me to be a part of the world after a long night of being alone with a tiny, fussy creature who I am still figuring out and who is still figuring out the world herself.  We pass people and cars that remind me that the world still spins much the same as it did before my world got turned upside down (joyfully turned upside down but still very different from the life I knew).

Meditation, prayer, music and podcasts also sooth my exhausted soul on our walks.  Sometimes we walk with friends be it on a greenway or in a mall.  We walk with other mamas, both new like me, or experienced mamas with new tiny babies.  These walks and talks are also very soothing for my soul.

Fortunately we have not had much rain and even when it is misting, I put on my rain coat and enclose Isabella in her stroller so she stays dry and we trek out anyway.

I need these walks.  They are my free, daily therapy. 

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