Saturday, July 15, 2017

Nap Cocoon

So while night time sleep continues to be a roller coaster, I think I have finally figured out the magic formula for naps.  Creepily it is almost like I have recreated the womb, but without all the yucky goo.  A less creepy comparison is that we have created a nap cocoon.  Whatever you call it, it is working!

So step one is swaddling.  Step two is that obnoxious (but life saving!) white noise.  Step three is either putting her in her stroller with the cover all the up OR holding her until she passes out and THEN putting her in the stroller with the cover all the way up.  I am pretty sure we are the only new parents who need a place for their stroller INSIDE their home.

The nap cocoon can even be replicated on the go!  Instead of dragging the stroller into other peoples' homes, businesses, etc., I can replicate the cocoon with a carseat cover with equal success.

Using this strategy she will nap anywhere from 1-3 hours almost without fail.  If I wasn't such a lousy napper myself I might actually get caught up on some sleep myself.  But not knowing when she is going to wake up causes me to not be able to relax enough to go to sleep even if I am exhausted:(. 

Now if I could just figure out the magic formula for sleeping at night.  There HAS to be one...right?!?!

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