Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Getting it Right (Part 2)

I have never been considered a perfectionist, but in retrospect there are a few times that I wanted things to go  just right.

My first year of teaching was a whirlwind and by the end I feel like I got chewed up and spit out.  At the end of that school year and all throughout the summer that followed I put all my energy toward setting the stage for year two to be just right.  All of my efforts paid off and while it was not a perfect school year it was just right and in fact I liked that class so much I looped from third grade to fourth grade with that second class of kiddos.

Every girl dreams of her wedding day and wants it to go just right.  I was no exception.  Once we decided on where (as in which state) we would get married, wedding planning went smoothly.  The wedding and reception went off without a hitch, we had a blast, and with the exception of our wedding pictures, it all seemed to go just right.

When it was time to buy a house we wanted one that was just right.  We researched and planned for about 4 months before actually picking a realtor and going on the house hunt.  I think all of our pre-work paid off and we found the house that was just right for us in lucky #7.

With all of this in mind I guess it should come as no surprise that after 6 years of patiently waiting to bring our first child home, I want things to be just right for her.

However, when I really stop and think about it I don't think she is much going to care about which outfit she wore home from the hospital. Nor do I think she is going to care about the other clothes she wore as a baby.  She is certainly not going to care about a first stocking that will likely be replaced for her actual first Christmas (and that can only handle a tiny bit of loot anyway:).  She may care about her name, but at the end of the day even if she hates it someday she may be as blessed as I to carry something so trivial as a primary piece of "baggage" from her childhood (#FWP).

Bottom line:  There is no just right when it comes to having a baby.

With that in mind:

I just placed orders for the items in the top row and will pick up one of these stockings the next time I am at Target.

Now I'm off to go tell J.T. her name:).

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