Wednesday, August 1, 2018

There Goes Bedtime

Hoping this is the 18 month sleep regression striking early, but what is happening?!?!

Since she was about 4 months old going to sleep at bedtime has pretty much been standard.  Walk (if the weather allows), bath, jammies, bottle while she still took one and then bed. 

Now out of the blue Isabella has decided to that she's too cool for bedtime.

We have tried adjusting the time.  We have tried making the routine longer and added books and other quiet activities.   We held her for a couple of nights but that didn't seem sustainable (or wise!) so tried just sitting in her room.  That worked well, but we need those 30-45 minutes (until she's conked out enough for us to tip toe out without her noticing) to DO things. 

As an added bonus, she also reverted back to waking up through the night.  In an effort to have sleep all around I have started leaving couch cushions outside of her door and sacking out on those.  She falls back to sleep relatively quickly (though there have been a couple of nights when she has been up for like 45 minutes and one sad night when it was two hours!).  She doesn't seem to WANT to be up she just can't go back to sleep.  She just "swims".

There has also been some "swimming" randomly on the floor during the day so we visited the pediatrician who brought Nexium back into our lives.  Fortunately insurance must have changed because we are now paying $1 per daily dose instead of $3 (score!).  It has definitely made a difference for the land "swimming" and nighttime wake ups, but bedtime continues to be a point of contention. 

I started sitting outside of her door on the aforementioned couch cushions as a compromise with the hopes of eventually weaning her without all the drama (fingers crossed).   There are only a limited amount of things I can do while staying in eyesight of the crib that do not make noise.  Did I mention I have things to do?!?!

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