Monday, August 6, 2018

Girls "Weekend"

Since graduating from college I have been blessed to spend a weekend each year (there may have been some exceptions here or there) with my college roommates.  We live in four different states so we rotate.  It's a great chance to get away and catch up.  This year's trip was in West Virginia and was my first time so far away from AND for 36 hours away from AND with J.T. as sole caregiver overnight (and throughout the day but that part's not a first).

It was all around a success!  Had a good time, good food, and good wine with friends. 

With the wonders of technology when I missed Isabella I would pull up a photo or video which helped.  I didn't have to listen to Raffi ad nauseum, in fact, didn't have to listen to him at all and sang along with a bunch of songs that didn't include farm animals, motions or even rhyme.  J.T. and Isabella did well on their end.  Only a stray "mama?" here and there.  They visited a couple of different playgrounds and Chick-Fil-A.  J.T. admitted he was nervous to take her anywhere else because he's not comfortable dealing with a meltdown in public.  They don't happen often but this girl knows what she wants and can become shall we testy.

I think a night away from my girl is all I can handle at this point, but I am super happy that it is possible.

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