Tuesday, August 16, 2016

2nd Beta & Weird Math

Good news...125 on Friday became 564 on Monday!  Little friend(s) = growing like (a) weed(s)!

I went in at 8:30 again, so thought we would get a return call at about the same time as we did on Friday.  11:00 turned to 12:00-no call.  I began to get nervous thinking that they needed to talk to the doctor because something was funky.  I called our donor team (they called with the beta on Friday) and left a message saying I was going into a meeting at 1:00 and would be able to step out.  This was technically true, though if push came to shove and the phone rang I would have been out of that room in a flash!  Meeting wrapped up a little after 2:00 and still no call.  We technically have two nursing teams (the donor team and then our regular doctor's team), so I called the other team to see if I would have more luck.

Fortunately, they picked up right away.  When she checked the results weren't in the system yet, but she immediately offered to call the lab (love her!).  When she came back on and gave me results I cried (sitting on the outside steps right beside our administrative building!) and immediately texted J.T.    After processing it all, I am leaning toward cautiously optimistic as J.T. has fully camped out in just plain excited, so one of us has to stay (somewhat) grounded:).

I'm glad beta math is working well because figuring out how pregnant I am math is not so much:).

We begin teaching calendar math in kindergarten.  This is all the math you need to know for tracking the average pregnancy as most women just have to remember the date of the first day of their last period (for those who have not been obsessively tracking their cycles for years I may be overestimating how easy it is), and that date is used to determine the pregnancy timeline (for example I started my last period on July 9, so I am 5 weeks, 2 days pregnant).

Evidently IVF calendar math is more advanced:

J.T. said I should just ask, but where's the fun in that?!?!


  1. Yay! That's fantastic news! I'm so happy for you and can't wait to read about your journey!
