Sunday, November 15, 2015

21 Days of Gratitude: Day 7--Talent/Skill

Growing up I participated in a ton of extra curricular activities.  I liked to be busy and liked to try new things so as I went through school I participated in:  Girl Scouts, softball, orchestra, basketball, student council, chorus, track, plays/musicals/drama club, literary magazine, volleyball, show choir (think Glee), swim team, Key Club, speech/debate, and that's all I can think of off the top of my head...but there were probably a few more!  Due to this rather intense schedule (and because I wasn't terribly motivated) I was a mostly honor roll student though with effort definitely could have done better.  I had friends, but was hardly what you would call popular.  

I like to summarize my K-12 career to say I was a "jack of all trades, master of none".

I recall more than once talking with my mom about the concept of talent and her response when I would lament that I didn't seem to have a talent for anything was always "You are a good person.  That is your talent.".  You know- exactly what every 10...13...16 year old wants to hear.  

As I have gotten older and my scope of interest has narrowed there are a few talents that have bubbled to the surface. 

Leadership:  When I was younger this seemed to show itself more as loud mouthed, bossy, and opinionated.  Throughout college and in the early years of my teaching career, it became more of an organizer role I took on in group work and collaborative pursuits with colleagues.  This then evolved into my work as an administrator over the last 6 years or so.

Wordsmith:  I love reading words, writing words, and sharing my thoughts & feelings with words.  More than once I have been complimented for my ability to put things into words especially when communicating a difficult concept in the most positive (and truthful) way possible.

Singing:  Very much in the part of a group or in the shower type of way, but I can definitely carry a tune.

 I truly attribute this talents to God because not a one of them I would have chosen for myself and have not devoted much time, energy, or effort into fine tuning them.  They just kind of are.  Like so many other things, I should say a word of thanks each day for them.  Note to self to do better!

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