Saturday, June 8, 2019

Beach Week 2019

For the first time in three years J.T. actually got to join us on a vacation.  The first year after Isabella was born we didn't go anywhere.  Then last year he felt like he needed to be conservative with his days off because of treatment.  So we were super excited for him to come!  This was also the dogs first vacation in three years as they normally stay with J.T. when Iz and I go out of town.

So for the first time ever our entire family went on a vacation together which seems like it would have been awesome (and ultimately it was), but turns out in the mind of a 2 year old when the whole family leaves the house together and starts settling in somewhere new alarm bells apparently sound:/.  For the first time ever Isabella was devastated to be away from home and her refrain of "home" ranged from pitiful to outright hostile. 

She had all of her favorite things and all of her favorite people so at first we were at a total loss.  After seeking advice from others we started counting down the days until we would return home.  Now she has like zero number sense, but for whatever reason that seemed to helped most of the time. 

Over the last few weeks Isabella started requesting me to sit at her door in order for her to go to sleep (nap and bedtime-ugh).  It only lasts about 30 minutes, but between that and being on toddler time versus the night owl schedule everyone else was following PLUS the fact J.T. was sick for two days meant I didn't feel like I got much of a vacation:(.

That said, it was great spending time with our family and friends.  I DID get to sit and drink in a hot tub every afternoon while Isabella napped, so it definitely wasn't all bad.  We did play games which I enjoy and got to see some sights.  So while it is not like vacations of pre-Iz days, it was a great vacation for our current season of life. 

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