Friday, August 25, 2017

On a Roll

Isabella has been turning onto her side for a while now so rolling was bound to happen any day and....I missed it!  She was on her back on the activity mat, I left the room and when I came back she was on her tummy.  While I'm excited for this little trick it has caused some anxiety in the-you guessed it-sleep department. 

Turns out our girl is a tummy sleeper and when we lay her on her back in her crib she rolls on to her tummy, curls her hands and legs under her (butt in the air) and passes out.  This wouldn't be a problem EXCEPT she spent the first few days sleeping with her face IN the mattress (insert smack my head emoticon). 

After a few sleepless nights watching her in the monitor.  Discussions and google searches with moms who said their kid did it and survived AND a near miss of spending $200 on a breathable baby mattress.  We are out of the woods and she now puts her head sideways to sleep.  Phew!

She has slowly become a little rolling machine. This baby is on the move! In both pictures I had set her on her back on the activity mat head at top, feet toward the aqua piano on the bottom. The first pic is clearly a roll over. Pic 2...multiple rolls? Roll plus army crawl? Roll plus the puppies pushing her (ha, ha)?

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