Sunday, August 13, 2017

4 Months

Isabella's doctor always said parents can't be to blame for the symptoms of colic.  She said by that same logic parents can also not be credited for the sunshine that follows.  Dang, I would love to take credit for the sweet and sunny disposition our baby girl has grown into over the last month.  She is all smiles, laughter and babbles.  She does well when we go out.  She likes watching the other babies who come to our house.  While the sun shines, so does she.  Nighttime continues to be its own struggle, but even at night if you hold her she doesn't really get upset.

Today we tried oatmeal.  She was funny to watch, but seemed to take to it as well as any first time eater does I suppose (wearing more of it than she likely consumed!).

Love this sweet girl!

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