Sunday, April 16, 2017

Time to Go Home- A Very Special Easter Sunday!

We got sprung from the clink this morning!  Discharge was pretty smooth and we were on our way home around 11.

Out of force of habit I rode in the front seat (Mama fail), but fortunately we live less than 2 miles from the hospital so it wasn't really a big deal-crisis #1 averted!

Step one was the introduction between Isabella and the puppies.  We had done some prep.  We had all of her stuff set up around the house for a while so they could get used to it.  We had also sent home hats and things over the weekend with our parents so they could acclimate to her smell.  J.T. brought the carrier in so the puppies could jump all over me first:).  Then he sat it down and let them take a look at her.  They are good puppies and the initial intro was a success!


Our parents were hugely helpful assisting us get unpacked and settled.  J.T.'s mom left in the afternoon and my parents made Easter Dinner for which my brother joined us.  Isabella watched us eat from her bouncy chair without a peep.  

This was without a doubt, my favorite Easter on record:).

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