Saturday, October 8, 2016

Looking Back on Trimester One

Math has never been my strength, and I'm not going to lie pregnancy math continues to perplex me.  Most women do not go into first time labor until 39 weeks.  Trimester means thirds.  Mathematically (to me at least) that means the first trimester ends after the 13th week.   However, pregnancy math apparently dictates that Trimester 2 begins in your 12th week- so here I am officially done with trimester one!

The Bump:  I have had a bloat baby since the beginning, but in the last week have seen it turn into an actual tiny baby bump:).

My weight gain has been 0, but now that I am getting my appetite back I see that changing very quickly!

Symptoms:  Ever changing food aversions and bouts of nausea and morning sickness (thankfully no actual getting sick!).  Some exhaustion but once my thyroid meds were adjusted that got better, though if I'm not at school or class I am perfectly content to sit on my new best friend the couch and watch whatever I happen to be able to find on tv.  I have also experienced bouts of heartburn and now get up 4 times during the night to go to the bathroom.

Diet:  The only food I have been able to eat reliably has been pizza.  Everything else has ebbed and flowed.  Cereal (namely Lucky Charms, Life, and Grape Nuts) has been a major highlight.  I have been able to eat string cheese and fruit daily, but thank God for Boost and prenatal vitamins because otherwise we would be majorly nutrient deficient.  I have eaten salad about once a week, but really need to work on getting vegetables back in my system in trimester 2.

Exercise:  I know from wearing my Fitbit for the last year that the average workday yields me 5 miles of walking.  Other than a few additional random walks here and there, the walking I do as a part of my daily life has been it.  Another goal area for trimester 2!

Emotions:  Fear, joy, and peace have been most prevalent.  This past week bouts of tears, impatience and annoyance have begun to flare up.

Purchases:  None.  Now we do have a complete nursery, new born clothing, and other accouterment ready to be freed from their current hiding places from our adoption wait so we are at an advantage in that department.  I am going to need to look for some maternity pants in the coming weeks as it is getting colder in the morning and my skirts and dresses aren't going to cut it much longer.

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