Monday, October 10, 2016

The Ups and Downs of the Week So Far (keep in mind it's Monday!)

I have a small belly so my regular pants don't fit.  I bought two pairs of maternity pants over the weekend and they are too big.  The mornings are in the 40s and the afternoons are in the 70s so pants are needed to stay warm for morning car duty, but layers are needed so I don't burn up at afternoon car duty.  I may just end up going to work naked this's too hard to get dressed!

We also got an update from Land of Crickets Adoption.  So on the good news front they have agreed to a "final 6 months" on our contract when we return from the freeze next June.  What makes things bleak is even though I fully intend for us to put together the 100% best effort toward a new video/website/profile and are expanding our preferences, 6 months does not leave me much faith given that when our family dynamics were in tip top shape from their perspective and our video, website and profile were good to go, they couldn't make a match in 4 times that amount of time.

Also,  I may or may not have been stalking collecting data from their website since last fall.  There are multiple families who have been removed from the website without ever having been noted as matched or having adopted.  With the evidence stacking up, I am less inclined to believe much of what they claimed upon bringing us on board and am wondering if there may actually be any basis of legal action.  We wouldn't move forward with any of that until our contract officially expires at the end of next summer.  My eyes have definitely been open to my naiveté regarding adoption professional and the few tools that exist to judge their reliability:(.

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