Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Glucose Testing Take 1

I have a sweet tooth that few can rival.  As a result the closer we got to the glucose test the more apprehensive I got.  Monday I cut out most carbs and have not consumed much in the way of sweets since early last week.  On Tuesday I took the test.  The actual test went very smoothly.  The drink wasn't nearly as bad as what most people had claimed (thank you, sweet tooth!).  We then went in for the appointment which went smoothly.

Isabella's heart beat was right at 140 and I was measuring 29 weeks.  We also discussed the Braxton Hicks (normal).  I got the Tdap vaccine and the doctor recommended we might want to consider talking to grandparents and other family members to see if they would be able to update if needed as well.  The actual shot was fine, but my arm hurt for days afterwards:(.

We asked the doctor if there would have been any indicators to this point if I had Gestational Diabetes (GD).  She said no.  That it is frankly something you can just wake up one day and have.  There can be some elements like heredity and prepregnancy weight that play a factor, but also it could crop up from nowhere.

When I got back to school I did a casual survey of teachers I ran into.  Out of the 6, 5 failed the first round of glucose testing.  Only one was diagnosed with GD after the second round.  The odds were in my favor so I kept me fingers crossed.

This morning I didn't give it much thought and then I got an email saying my test results were in.  I clicked and...I failed:(.  Actually I failed BIG.  The cut off was a 135 and I was 160-gulp!

I scheduled my second test for tomorrow.  I have to take a half day...AND I can't eat breakfast...AND they have to draw blood multiple times (hello-I only have 1 good vein!)...AND I might have to cut out my favorite food groups...AND I might have to stick myself multiple times a day...AND most importantly this cannot be good for Isabella:(.

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