Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Absent Minded Wannabe Professor

I have a lot going on and even under the best circumstances I tend to do thinks quickly, multi-task and my mind is often on something other than the task at hand.  That being said my, what I guess can best be described as absentmindedness, is getting out of control.

Saturday morning we were going to take a family photo so I went to get my lipstick out of my wallet.  Wait a minute...where is my wallet?  After scouring everywhere and recruiting a search party without success it became evident that it was not with me.  In thinking back the last time I knew I had it was when we stopped at a gas station where I went into the bathroom to change Isabella.  It took all three of us (my brother who rode with us, not Isabella:) to piece together the name/location of the gas station where we stopped.  However, low and behold, when I called they in fact had it!  Phew!  During the search I froze my credit cards, but had a terrible pit in my stomach because all of the cash my child care family's had paid that week was in there--ugh.

To my surprise all of the cash was present when we stopped to pickup my wallet on the way home.  There are honest strangers among us!  However, one of my credit cards and my debit card was missing.  As the gas station employee politely pointed out, it would be weird for someone to take cards but leave the cash.  He was right, but where in the world were those cards?!?

God bless the ability to track card use from your phone.  The last place I used my debit card was at the parking garage at school, so when we got home and unpacked the card I searched the card and, wouldn't you know, it had somehow gotten stuck under the car mat.  I had last used the credit card almost a WEEK before at a gas station down the street.  I didn't have much faith that it would still be there, but once again the honesty of strangers persevered as when I went into inquire they had it!

Morals of the story?

Moral #1--There are good people out there.

Moral #2--I have GOT to get my s*!$ together!!!

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