Monday, March 7, 2016

Not exactly starting with a bang

Before we meet with our RE to determine a plan for IVF, we first wanted to get a new diagnostic workup since it has been 3-4 years.  So yesterday was my day three testing.  Our nurse, Denise, said they would be calling today with the results.

God bless Denise, she is such a positive, kind-hearted woman.  That being said she often describes my results in regard to normal (i.e. low end of "normal").  I am beginning to think that her definition of "normal" is skewed.  Wouldn't be surprising given the field in which she works, but I am now seeing her vernacular for what it is--sugar coating bad news.

So she left a message saying the doctor wanted to wait on my AMH test which had to be sent out (she had told me it would have to be sent out when we had talked on Friday).  She could tell me that my follicle count was 4 and our doctor likes it when there are 5 follicles on EACH side.  Womp, womp.

So out of the gate looks like this may be an uphill battle (shocking, isn't it?  things have been a piece of cake so far!).

After some quick Googling I found the following from Advanced Reproductive Center of Chicago:

So this was a true test of taking things one day at a time.  My mind automatically moved jumped through a bunch of future scenarios based on this one nugget of information.  I was able to quickly realize that I had fallen back into an old habit and shut it down relatively quickly.

Step one checked off my list.  Now I wait patiently for what lies ahead.

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