Friday, July 29, 2016

Fert Report

So we got our first fertilization report.

Of the six frozen eggs, 4 survived thaw. In researching how we fared compared to others, we seem to be fairly average. Though finding successful egg thaw rates is sketchy and mostly anecdotal. From what I can tell, it looks like the "average" thaw rate is between 60%-80%.

They attempted to fertilize all 4 vis ICSI:

"IVF with ICSI involves the use of specialized micromanipulation tools and equipment and inverted microscopes that enable embryologists to select and pick up individual sperm in a specially designed ICSI needle. The needle is carefully advanced through the outer shell of the egg and the egg membrane - and the sperm is injected into the inner part (cytoplasm) of the egg. This usually results in normal fertilization in about 75-85% of eggs injected with sperm." (

Upon being ICSIed (which is a term the scientists use, I'm sure) one immediately disintegrated:(

So we are one day in and are already at 50% of what we started with. Though I am happy with the fact that we hit the 75%-85% fertilization rate with the ICSI as I imagine J.T. would have felt personally responsible for anything less (though there is no reason for him to feel that way, but IF can definitely make a big dent in your wallet, your spirit AND your ego!).

So from all I have researched, we are par for the course. Though if I was being honest anything less than all 6 eggs being successfully fertilized was going to bum us out to some degree. So we are a bit (ok maybe more than a bit!) anxious, but hopeful.

We are just crossing everything we've got and are praying fervently that these three are fighters and all of them are growing as expected when we get our day three report on Sunday!

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