Friday, December 21, 2018

Playroom Makeover

The carpet in the playroom was disgusting.

There is no other way to describe it.

Between two dogs and a host of kids I suppose it never really stood a chance.  I have been diligent about cleaning stains as the occur and having it professionally cleaned every few months to no avail.  In fact the last time the carpet cleaning man came he explained that it was kind of a losing battle given the fact many of the stains were in the padding of the carpet and would continue to raise to the surface.  Yep, true story as less than three weeks after said cleaning it looked exactly the same as before he came:(.

We had always talked about changing the flooring in that room to hard woods and that time had finally arrived. 

I also keep shoes on the kids (and myself) at all times which makes life easier in many ways but has also made the couch a dirty mess.  It was also professionally cleaned and was again covered in dirt.  That was an easier fix as out of the blue I decided to get a slip cover for it.  Now why I didn't think of getting a slip cover to begin with I couldn't begin to the tell you, but I finally did and it made a big difference.

They just finished the floors and I am no longer embarrassed when people come into the room.   It turned out great.  I have huge area rug to put down and am excited to get that down once the glue dries.

It is amazing the transformation mentally spending time in a space that drains you (effort trying to clean what is a losing battle, feelings of embarrassment daily when people come in the room, etc) to a space that holds none of those feelings.  Especially given the amount of time spent in said space.


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