Monday, May 8, 2017

God's Plan

We began attending our church in January of 2012.  In April we reached out to join a small community group.  God guided us to a small group of three other couples.

One of the couples had just had a baby (after coping with infertility) born at 24 weeks.  So their lives were spent at the children's hospital and then were homebound for the first year of his life.  Needless to say while we heard a lot about them, we did not get to meet them for quite some time.

The couple who led the group, I have mentioned before, were married they year before we were and began trying to start a family soon after.  Unfortunately, God had a different plan for them.  They experienced multiple miscarriages and when we joined they group were trying to determine what to do next just like we were.

The third couple started their family in a much more traditional manner.  Mom, dad, 4 year old daughter and 1 year old son.  Their daughter came as a surprise, so needless to say they had not experienced infertility, but walking through life with the group were amazingly empathetic to everyone else's experiences.

A fourth couple joined our midst a year or so later.  They also had two children, aged right in between the other two, but had experienced infertility in trying for their first.

In January of 2016, the lead couple welcomed their daughter Avery through the gift of adoption.  This past fall the first couple has rejoined our ranks.  And this spring we have added Isabella and Avery's biological sibling to the fold again through the gift of adoption.  This sweet girl was born just 2.5 weeks after Isabella.

In trading texts one noted:

It truly does bring tears to our eyes.  God brought us all together for a reason.  Our shared love of desserts, good food and adult beverages, and our shared experiences of struggle have bonded us together over the years.  The picture we will take truly demonstrates God's plan for comfort, fellowship and friendship in our lives.


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