So Monday night's feedings had us both in tears (at least we staggered them so we both weren't crying at the same time). She at least spread them out a bit so I got a two hour stretch of sleep in there and we only did two so that was a plus.
Burping is definitely a part of the equation, but I am struggling cause she doesn't wanna. So she presses away from me (regardless of the burping position I try) and it leads to more frustration (for both of us). I also suspect she senses my frustration which is likely exacerbating the whole process.
On the flip side, last night it was the before bed feeding that caused the most grief. Fortunately, J.T. was there to help. However, we began at 8:00 and I was finally able to put her down at 10:30. During that time we somehow managed to get two feedings in as somewhere around 10 she began cuing for being hungry again and ate 3 more ounces. This led to her sleeping until 1:00am, but unfortunately I woke up a little after midnight to go to the bathroom and realized I needed to pump so by the time she started stirring at 12:45 I did not get a chance to go back to sleep.
The feeding process actually went very smoothly (including burping!); however, she decided she wanted to be held and not be laid back down so we (actually I) ended up awake for an hour at each feeding before she would lay back down. I would then pump. She woke up more often so despite the feedings being less stressful, they were more frequent so got less sleep:(.
I got a good nap after a rough first feed of the day (she popped off the first boob after 5 minutes and wouldn't latch to the other); however the late morning feeding was a disaster. Nursing went a little better (she ate from both sides!); however, because of my nap I didn't get to pump so she had to have formula only. That was a disaster. It took an hour to consume 3 ounces..12 burp breaks, 3 actual burps, screaming, tightening, crying (me).
After she ate she only wanted to be in the K'Tan so I took her for a walk in it, brought her home, at lunch and then called the pediatrician cause I can't do this anymore!!!!
I feel trapped in a puzzle I can't solve. Nursing doesn't provide enough. Breastmilk seems to go down more smoothly than formula, but in order to have enough I have to pump immediately after feeding her which has become challenging because she wants to be held. We tried different bottles for the last two days at the lactation consultants suggestion, but that doesn't seem to have helped. I found a box of bottles with a "venting system" in the cupboard so will try those next.
Part of me wonders if she is just so confused with all of the various parts and pieces and may be the source of the issue; however, I can't give her enough breastmilk to sustain her and formula seems to be her greatest nemesis.
I hate puzzles I can't solve!