Tuesday, January 1, 2019

OneWord365 2019 Edition

I had always been a New Year's Resolution person with some years being more successful than others, but this OneWord thing has been amazing.  With resolutions it was kind of cut and dried.  I was successful or not.  There was little room for life to happen and revision to take place.  However with this OneWord365 it provides a focus without the potential for impending failure which takes off the pressure and allows it to take shape and grow organically.

So this year I am building off of last year's word.  I have gotten a taste and I want more. 

I need more. 

It's time for more. 

God has done an amazing job of setting me up to recognize this, accept this, and has already put tools in place and wheels in motion.

My OneWord365 word for 2019 is:

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