Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Open Enrollment + Pregnancy Brain=Tears


For six years I have faithfully clicked all of the right buttons to ensure that my medical insurance was 80/20 versus the 70/30 we get by default.  Each year without fail I filled out the stupid health assessment, clicked the box that said I don't smoke and typed in the name of my primary care physician.  And for 6 years I have not really needed much out of my insurance.

Well to clarify I couldn't use my insurance for what I REALLY needed (infertility treatments), so I used it for my annual appointments, monthly refill of thyroid meds, and some vaccinations I needed for work and school.  I was close to being like the insurance companies dream candidate.  Now when we actually NEED as much financial support as we can get on the medical front, I blow it.

Our enrollment period is in October and somehow I managed to fill out the health assessment, but failed to click the non-smoker box and type in the name of my primary care physicians.  Two blank boxes=paying 10% more for all of my 2017 OB visits, my glucose testing, delivery and Isabella's medical costs once she is born!!!

I discovered my mistake when I called the insurance company today to begin the process of ordering my free breast pump that is perk of the 80/20 plan.  No perk for dummies like me that can't click a box and type a name...I cried for a good 15 minutes over being a dummy:(.

I am trying to work things out through my HR department, but since the mistake is mine it's very much a long shot.


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