Wednesday, November 4, 2015


It is amazing to me the amount of time, money, and energy that can be put into something and the net result is literally NOTHING.

We have put 5 years and 3 months into becoming parents and to the best of our knowledge are no closer to being parents than we were when we began

We have put tens of thousands of dollars into supplements, medications, fertility procedures and adoption all of which has led to not a single BFP or nibble of interest in having us become adoptive parents.

We have talked, prayed, cried, problem solved, considered options, saved, spent, rinse and repeat and not a single blip on the radar nor sign of a child joining our family.

Now I have expressed before that the time has been (for the most part) well spent and we are better versions of ourselves now than we were when this journey began, but it continues to blow my logic minded-you can do anything you set your mind to-brain that at the end of the day despite a remarkable amount of effort with have absolutely NOTHING to show for it in regard to the actual pursuit.  Nada, zero, zilch, none.

I attempted to close this post with some great words of wisdom of cute graphic that summarizes how I feel, but there are only two words that continue to play over and over again in my mind-this sucks.

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