Sunday, September 15, 2019

Final Post

Six years ago today:
  •  I was utterly lost having already endured three years of infertility with no end in sight.
  •  I reached out to share our continuing journey through the mud and mire that is infertility.
  • All that seemed to lay before me was a horrible, vast unknown.
Six years later:
  • I am found.
  • We have ridden the storm of infertility and, while there continues to be scars. those scars have (mostly) healed and serve as a reminder of where we have been and WHO got us through it.
  • There is still a vast unknown that lays before me, but this time knowing that God has plans for me that will not fail and will lead me to prosper I live in hope rather than fear.
I have always appreciated a good story.  To me a good story contains a beginning, middle, and an end.  It has always been much preferred that the end be happy or at the very least serve as a beacon of hope.

While this blog does not encapsulate my whole life's story, it does tell the whole story of...
  • how I truly came to know God.
  • how I became a mother.
  • how I learned and continue to learn each and every day how to parent this amazing, remarkable gift from God that is my daughter.
You might say this last part is what helps this story have its happy ending.  However, seeing as this story is one for whom God is the real author not only does it end happily, but it also ends with a beacon of hope as I move forward continuing to find my place in God's story.

But that friends is a story for another time and another place.

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