Monday, August 26, 2019


Nope, not a George Orwell reference.

Rather 1984 was the last time I didn't personally experience a first day of school.

Until today.

Now I have learned over the last two years that school systems can still survive without me, BUT can I survive without school?

Not a question I had ever considered before.

When I was younger, ok until like 5 minutes ago, I (arrogantly) could not comprehend how people could graduate and not know what they were going to go next.  However, putting everything (and I mean everything) into God's hands has been a game changer.  I am putting one foot in front of the other with a flexible plan.

However, there are times (more and more times now that I am officially graduated) that I think I keep trying to be in charge again.  The tell tale sign?  Anxiety that seems to settle right in the middle of my chest.

When I truly give it to God I feel at peace.  That peace is amazing and something I have never before experienced.  When I do things on God's time and with his guidance tremendous things happen.

Old habits are hard to break.

Guess there's no time better than now.

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