Monday, November 6, 2017

Our First Thanksgiving

It's a bit early I know.  About 10 years ago my moms family began celebrating thanksgiving the weekend before the big days in the mountains in Maryland.  Each year with different obligations of different family members it keeps getting pushed earlier and earlier and this year it wound up on the first weekend of November.

It was a nice visit with everyone but we actually ended up missing Thanksgiving dinner Saturday.  Well not missing it exactly but we had to eat before everyone else so that Isabella could go back and go to bed.   Dinner time had to fall somewhere between Isabella's early bedtime and the end of my cousin's son's hockey tournament an hour away.  We made it work:).

Observation...With the exception of my older brother my siblings and cousins are like stair steps when it comes to age so it's funny how our kids all ended up in different age groups.  We have the high school set, the middle school set, the elementary set and then Isabella representing the preschool crowd.  There is no intermingling of cousins within age groups, only siblings.  If and when my younger brother ever has kids I suspect we will have yet another age group.  I wonder if that is becoming more common with people waiting until later to have children and then others having children at more "traditional ages".

Not sure what actual Thanksgiving will look like.  I will invite my brother and my inlaws, but don't know for sure what their plans are.  So far we usually end up with at least one of them in attendance.

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